Prophetic Words of the Spirit
Prophetic Words of the Holy Spirit, given directly by God. Nothing added or taken away. Anointed, powerful, convicting, challenging, encouraging. It's the gift of the Spirit as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 in the Holy Bible.
Prophetic Words of the Spirit
Not in Vain, Despite the Pain!
Jesus endured ALL. By HIS STRENGTH, SO CAN WE.
JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.
Not in Vain, Despite the Pain!
I speak unto you this day and I say be steadfast and unmovable at the work I have called you to do. For you do not labor in vain when you labor for Me and for the furtherance of My Kingdom. This means essentially that you don’t quit despite the pain that you must endure in the steadfast labors for My Kingdom that you are called to continue in.
It is not My intention that those who are laboring for Me would give up along the way and be among those who turn back. Rather I desire that those who are called and chosen would remain constant and not looking to turn aside as so many do. When you see the ones who have turned back from Me you will see souls who are void of love for Me because they have allowed demons to infiltrate them and take over their minds and hearts.
No longer do they experience the joy that comes when people are following in the steps of My Son, Jesus. Instead, they are caught up in the traps and snares of the cares of this life and the same will prove to be suffocating to them inasmuch as they are bound in the miseries they have chosen. Those who have forsaken Me will never find peace for they will be trapped in the darkness and iniquity that is always present causing them bitterness.
I absolutely do not want My people to be in the category of bitter quitters. I want them to remain in the category of the redeemed who are rejoicing because they are following My Son Jesus, and walking in the Way He has established. Jesus came to earth and He finished the course that was set before Him despite the pain He endured, even to dying on the cross. Reality was that He was hated, spoken evil of, and plotted against by those who were religious yet not at all righteous in My sight.
So it is even now, the ones who will truly be identified with My Son will endure the same sufferings and come through knowing that they do not labor in vain for Jesus has completed the course by My strength. Likewise the true ones will complete the course by My strength for I do not withhold the same from the ones who will walk uprightly. When My people look to Me as their Master they are not engulfed by the natural and political disasters that are so common in these times.
The times are evil, men and women are evil, and the leaders of nations are insane with the lust for power and wealth. They cannot in any way control their insatiable lust to be world emperors and are constantly making threats and declaring endless wars that only destroy lives and property for nothing. Over and over throughout the history of humankind, this process has repeated itself and multitudes have been devoured in the destructive forces of death and damnation. I do not want such out of humanity, they are the ones who choose to lose by listening to and acting out the desires that demons have for them.
If you stop and consider how few there are who look to Me in these times it is astounding because most will be nothing more than the victims of the waster who is sent to destroy. Because people have grown calloused and hard of heart, they can easily turn from the intentions that I have and take up the intentions of insanity and fulfill the same.
People are no longer coming forth thankful that I give to them what they need to exist, they take for granted that My mercies are always present for them. They are high minded and selfish only considering what they want and demanding that they get the same. Because of their disrespect and disobedience towards Me, they do labor in vain for they are laboring only to please the god of self who is never satisfied. In the end, they will find themselves totally desolate and they will howl in the emptiness and futility of the pathway they gave themselves unto. However when any one chooses to listen to demons above My Spirit their lives and their end will be the miseries of the damned, which they cannot escape.
Be glad that each and every day you can serve Me in the attitude of gratitude because as you are hoping in Me, you will not be made ashamed. Rather you will see repeatedly that you are well equipped for all that I have intended for you to do. The increase will come in your faith and confidence in Me and you will not be captivated by fear. Throughout the land, multitudes are in the captivity of fear because they allowed themselves to give in to an evil heart of unbelief. By their own choices they have opened the door to the prison houses they live in daily.
I do not want you to be imprisoned, I want you to be free in Me because I have called and chosen you to the labors that are worth it all. Therefore keep in mind that as you are steadfast and unmovable that your labors are not in vain and that you will be amply rewarded both in this life and the life to come.
Be knowing of a surety that as you go through the fire that you will come forth in the purification process and you will be enabled to see many souls redeemed and strengthened by your testimony. This is because you will have endured and continued in the purpose that I have chosen you for. Those who do as I desire and do not give up will be the ones who are respected and honored by Me. Inasmuch as I give you the Light, the Life, and the Love that you need be resolute in your commitment to finish the course that is set before you, despite the pain, for you will gain from it all.