Prophetic Words of the Spirit

Times BEHIND, Times AHEAD - (STARTING IN 2025...)

A Revolutionary Christian Missionary Season 2025 Episode 31

Hear this Prophetic Words of the Spirit about how God wants us to MOVE AHEAD.  We NEED TO PAY HEED to what God is telling us RIGHT NOW FOR 2025.

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JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.

Times BEHIND, Times AHEAD - (STARTING IN 2025...)

I speak unto you this day and I say I do not want you to have false 

expectations of the times ahead because the times before were filled with

the spirit of Manasseh who was the king of gross wickedness. It is not to

be expected for the times ahead to be instantly perfect because of the

change in political power I have brought forth. This I have done but it is

stupidity for those who are Mine to be under the misconception that all will

be economically sound and perfect. Reality is when the wicked have been

in rule, it takes time to undo all of the evils and wrongs which have been

done by power hungry leaders who are ruled by demons.

Because I want My people to be realists and not living in delusions I am

making the declaration that the future will be full of ups and downs. This is

because the Road of Righteousness has been severely neglected and

damaged. Inasmuch as the evil doers have chosen to cause deterioration,

degradation, and devastation, it will take time to bring about and put into

effect the changes necessary to bring about balance.

When the wicked are in rule, they cause My people and the peoples of the

world to be grossly out of balance and My created people and resources

are not in harmony with Me. Therefore, even the earth and the skies cry

out against the injustices and sins that have been committed. Many

earthquakes, volcanoes, and unusual and damaging storms have occurred

and caused havoc to multitudes. I do not want those who are Mine to be

living in such idealism so they become disillusioned because things do not

go the way they imagined they would.

Stop living in imaginations and face each day as it comes under the

directives and commands of My Spirit which is given to keep you in

balance and not in disappointment and unbelief. Remember the enemies

want My people to be living under delusions so that when the "reality of

things the way they are" hits them they will fall into unbelief and give up.

You are not meant to faint in the days of adversity when the transition is in

effect but not at all complete. Rather My people are meant to stay vibrantly

alive, alert, and active in Me and the promotion of My Kingdom far above

all earthly kingdoms. I absolutely do not intend for those who are following

Me to be caught up in the world's troubles, I intend them to be witnesses to

the world's people that there is a Kingdom which remains continual in

every generation and they can come into My Kingdom by believing on

Jesus. It is not My desire that My people would be so involved with what 

has already happened and what is now and going to be happening that

they forget Me. When you will keep your vision single unto Me, then you

will be enabled to be giving the clear call which sinners, those who have

strayed, and ungodly need to be brought into Salvation.

Do not be so engrossed with the issues of these times that you are led

astray from the Everlasting and Eternal. Inasmuch as some people are

only involved in the here and now, they do not gain anything by their

involvement in the things of this world for the world moves on to another

generation. Isn't it tragic that the generations do not learn from the past

but they only go on and think they must re-invent the wheel. Just as time

marches on and is not stopped, so it should be with My people, ready to

move onward and upward and keep their vision single unto Me and

believing that no matter the times they have My mercies and miracles.

I do not want any of My people to be living in false imaginations, for they

are meant to keep their vision on Me for My Kingdom is Forever. While I

the Living God have effectuated a change in the world does not mean that

all will see eye to eye, even some of the same persuasions. This is

because people have grown outrageously selfish and want only to have

their way and gain whatever they want.

When anyone is selfish and wanting to put themselves as the ultimate they

will not be able to live in gratitude nor will they be rejoicing because, for

their goals aren't for the benefit of My Kingdom or others, only themselves.

To be centered only on SELF is a lonely and empty existence and those

who have given themselves to the same are trapped and unable to deviate

from the captivity they've chosen. While they lived under the delusions of

selfish spirits and their carnality joined in on the show, they did not enjoy

any quality of life whatsoever for they had chosen for death rather than life.

It is senseless to continue to pretend for the sake of demons and the old

nature the end of which is corruption. I absolutely do not want any one to

choose for corruption, I want them to choose for Life that is found in and

through My Son and under the commands of the Holy Spirit. Be thankful

that you do not have to be subject to your old carnal nature nor the

demons which fuel the same. You can resist the inward enemies that you

live with daily and take the authority you have over them by using the

Name of Jesus Christ who is above every other power both on earth and in

people. As you are serving in the attitude of gratitude you will be daily

increased in Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding and your senses will

be exercised to discern between good and evil. For this, give Me thanks

and praise each and every day as you are kept and guided.