Prophetic Words of the Spirit
Prophetic Words of the Holy Spirit, given directly by God. Nothing added or taken away. Anointed, powerful, convicting, challenging, encouraging. It's the gift of the Spirit as recorded in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 in the Holy Bible.
Prophetic Words of the Spirit
The EVE of DESTRUCTION and RECONSTRUCTION (2025 onward...)
This Prophetic Word goes with the one before it ("Times Behind, Times Ahead...").
Better HEAR and HEED what God is telling us RIGHT NOW!
JESUS CHRIST THE LORD is the only Savior from sin and the power of the devil. He is God in the flesh -- the Only One who has come to die for you and me, to pay the penalty of our sins and empower us by His Holy Spirit to live a victorious life above sin! He can help you, and He will, if you just turn to Him. Turn from all known sin, turn to Jesus, pray for forgiveness for your sins and that God will fill you and baptize you in His Holy Spirit, and He will.
Trust God! Pray, read the Bible daily, and OBEY what God's Spirit shows you. It is a lifelong journey in being made more and more like Jesus, so don't be discouraged and NEVER quit. REPENT daily, love Jesus, and do the best you can to serve Him each day. He will ALWAYS be with you to help you as you fight the battle to choose what is right and keep yourself in Him!
Please contact us if you need prayer, and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have questions about the Bible, we will respond as best as we can. Use the Buzzsprout chat or email us.
The Eve of Destruction and Reconstruction (2025 onward...)
I speak unto you this day and I say that these are truly the days when I am
bringing destruction and reconstruction. Therefore do not think to know
what will be and assume you are right! Rather be subject to the daily
changes that will be inevitable as the Old Dastardly Reign is being
destroyed and the New Reign of Reconstruction is in effect. When an old
house is being remodeled it is a much bigger task that meets the eye.
Underneath endless coats of wall paper, plaster, paint, false wood, real
wood, etc. and in removing these various layers all manner of garbage
accumulates and there is nothing that remains which is usable. There can
possibly be found dead and living bugs, rats, mice, even bones and
various leftover body parts of animals and sometimes humans.
So, the job is one which is obviously destruction to the former existing
"House." The House, depending on its' occupants could have been used
as a House of Bad Repute, or a House of Hospitality, or Hostility towards
the home born and a place of mercy for the criminals and mentally
deranged invited invaders. The Politics of the Rulers who have worked
and controlled the "Great Long Standing White House" basically determine
the opinion people hold of the House. Some are glad to see the
Destruction of the Reign of the bigots who were insane and lusting only for
their own gain. Others who will be torn down with them and thrown out will
be mournful to lose their positions of fraud and corruption. So basically
what appears to have been the headquarters of the compassionate is
being exposed as the cartel castle of the traitors who sold out to China. As
layer after layer of destruction is torn down and made public, many of the
rats who are found will attempt to run from the wrath to come. Some may
escape, during the confusion, others will be caught, publicly exposed and
shamed and sentenced to prison and or death. Others will be attempting
to scurry to the "other side" to hire on as workers in the reconstruction
process. All in all, the totality of what is here and will be more evident in
the New Year as much activity taking place for destruction and
reconstruction. For a period of time, it may appear to be total confusion
and many will grow disgruntled because their assumptions and delusions
don't happen the way they wanted. However the ones who choose to
grow angry and stubborn about the changes, are meant to deal with their
own attitudes and not be locked into hysterical and accusatory anger.
Stop and consider the ugliness that is being destroyed did not come about
over night and many of those who were and are claiming to be My people
chose for selfishness rather than self sacrifice.
By their wrong choices they contributed to the destructive
regime which has proved to be traitorous to the nation,
it's security, and it's morality. Then when such professing believers
want to issue their complaints they fail to consider that
they were and still are, contributors to the cannibalistic communists, by
their choices. Those who are involved in the regime of iniquity that is so
popular in these times behave in such ways because they themselves
do not want to give up their sins and selfish indulgent lifestyles.
More than ever, multitudes are failing to follow the commands of Jesus
when He stated that any who would be a true disciple, must deny himself,
pick up his cross and follow in His steps. This dictate was for all disciples
who would come forth after Jesus had ascended to My right hand.
Therefore with this in thought and action, do not be weary in well doing but
continue steadfast in the Way that I have provided and ordain. Be patient
and ready to move with My Spirit's commands at all times. Do not be
locked into one way if such a way will prove to be destruction to your souls.
Remember, I have not intended for you to be overwhelmed and overtaken,
I have intended for you to be uplifted, guided, and directed each day. With
these things in your hearts and minds, be faithful to follow hard after Me for
I have good and not evil intended for you each and every day. While there
are a multitude of ways that may appear to be righteous, they are indeed
destructive and are not meant for you to walk in day by day. While the
destruction is at hand, do not be consumed with anxiety rather look to see
the positive of reconstruction as I am bringing forth change. While it may
stink as the old is exposed consider that when the New comes in, things
will be fresh and more integrity and righteous morality will be available
choices once again.
Therefore as you are consistent in choosing for reconstruction while seeing
the destruction be glad that I am the One who is with you and will guide
you by My Spirit each day. Jesus did not get Himself overly concerned
with the politics of His day, His concern was with the choices people made
for Eternity. He knew that no matter what the politics were many were hell
bound because they lived in trespasses and sins. Be aware that I do not
want you to be dull and dumb because you are more attentive to the
politics of the world than to Me. Of course the religious hypocrites who
ruled the Jewish people were more selfish than the Roman Dictators who
had the Jews in captivity. I want My people who will stay true to Me during
the Destruction and the Reconstruction to keep single in their vision upon
Me as their Ruler and obey My Spirit's commands at all times.